Title Size
Left Circle
Title Size
Text Size
Center Overlap
Text Size
Right Circle
Title Size
Text Size
NOTE: After clicking the "Save as Image" button, you may need to right click the resulting image and "Save As"
Coming Soon…
- Ability to add more circles
- More export formats (JPG, GIF, etc.)
- A new and sexy user interface
- I plan to make this a Facebook app with these features:
- update your profile image
- post to your wall
- post to a friends wall
Version History
- Alpha 1
- Alpha 2
- ability to add a title
- ability to change circle colors
- ability to save as a PNG image
- Alpha 2.5
- a color picker for easier color changing
- ability to have custom font sizes
- Beta 1
- ability to change the font size and color for each label
- somewhat refined UI
- larger image area
- titles for each circle
Questions? Feedback? Please feel free to email me at jonesydesign[at]